As the saying goes “Cometh the hour, cometh the man” Our Truckers just simply do not fail to amaze us! When all hope fails they are our first line of defense, being on the front line amidst this COVID-19 crisis, risking their lives to make sure our shelves do not run empty and all the while ensuring that much-needed essentials are transported far and wide across the country. It sure is a tough job and not for the faint-hearted.
We at Taxexcise.com love showing appreciation to our truckers for their dedication and safety, and we would go above and beyond to see that your Form 2290 issues are handled while you’re on the road, something we have been doing for over a decade and are best at. After all, our supply chain depends on your reliable transportation.
A Gentle reminder for trucks that were newly purchased or first put into service in the month of April, the deadline to have these vehicles reported on a 2290 is May 31. Due to the lockdown and social distancing Electronically filing your tax return has come in handy and is the most easiest and convenient option to have your return filed on time, though the IRS offices are closed their E-File services are operational and returns filed online are being accepted within a few minutes.
Do Visit www.taxexcise.com/ www.tax2290.com for all your E-filing needs, if you do have any further questions or require any assistance to have a form completed, feel free to reach us on our toll-free number 1-866-245-3918 you can also drop us an email @ Support@TaxExcise.com a dedicated feature on our website will also help you connect us on LIVE CHAT.
Stay safe, Drive safe, and make America Great Again!