Cometh the hour, cometh the man. A Good News for all tax payers who are waiting on Stamped Copies for their vehicle renewal. The IRS has just resumed operations and are accepting and processing pending returns. The IRS was shut down for year-end maintenance just after Christmas, they were closed since the 26th of December and have just resumed operations. We would like to also appreciate your patience during this shutdown period. E-file now and receive much needed Stamped copies and pending quarterly filings within a few minutes.
Since the IRS has officially started accepting returns for 2021 we would like to keep you reminded about the upcoming tax deadlines for January 31st for the following tax forms. Taxpayers can make www.TaxExcise.com their first pit stop to E-file before the deadline.
- HVUT Form 2290 For New Vehicles first used in the month of December 2020.
- Tax Form 720 Quarterly Federal Excise Tax due for the 4th Quarter of 2020.
- Tax Form IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) due for the 4th Quarter of 2020.
Our Tax Experts at www.TaxExcise.com / www.Tax2290.com are available to assist you at 1-866-245-3918 and support@taxexcise.com on all Business days between 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. You can also drop us a message on the LIVE CHAT option available on our website.
We are always interested in suggestions that would allow us to improve upon our already high standards and encourage you to submit your thoughts here: https://g.page/Tax2290/review Stay Safe, Stay Blessed and Happy Trucking.