For Christmas, all roads lead home, Our Santa’s have been good to us all year round and we would like to wish them a Very Merry Christmas. May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Merry Christmas!
Unlike many other tax return deadlines, the deadline on the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 has not been extended. Every truck driver who travels in and around America will need to file new returns before the actual due date of August 31st. During recent months due to the sudden surge of filings taking place, the IRS has also issued certain guidelines to make this process less cumbersome.
The following are a few key points issued by the IRS for Form 2290.
In an era when smartphones
and tablets have taken over, filing tax returns through paper is slowly going
extinct and completing tax returns online is the need of the hour as it is
easier, precise and efficient. The less complicated your tax return is, the
more rudimentary is the preparation for it.
The slight panicky feeling that happens when deadlines approach and start to accumulate is every tax payer’s worst nightmare. These tax deadlines happen once every year or every quarter and failure to address them results in penalties and interest from Uncle Sam.
It’s time now to put on your
thinking hat and have these tax returns completed in order to stay compliant
with the IRS. A Few Tax forms that are Due this month would namely be:-
Form 2290: The Federal
Excise Tax Form 2290 also known as Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) is due for renewal
for the current 2020 tax year. And the deadline to report any new Vehicles first
used in the month of June is due by July31st.
IFTA: International Fuel Tax Agreement is due by July 31st for the second quarter of 2020.