Tag Archives: Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax

Truckers & Trucking Industry from Facebook CEO’s point of view!

Very glad to share something that would bring in a small smile on every hard working Trucker’s face. Below is a neatly drafted message by Mark Zuckerberg himself, the CEO of Facebook about his experience @ IOWA 80 the world’s largest truck stop where he met the Face of Trucking Community – TRUCKERS!

In Iowa, I stopped by one of the major truck stops. It’s like a small city where truckers on long trips can take a break, get something to eat, get a haircut, do laundry, get their truck washed — or their dog washed! — And even go to the dentist.

A few things stuck with me after spending time with some truckers: Continue reading

Hottest offer this summer, for Pre-filing your Form 2290!

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. We all wish that we could do this as often as possible. But taking the fact of busyness involved in our day to day life, we can only plan or probably dream about it every summer.

Luckily people like us who work 8 to 5 in a boring cubicle, may manage a weekend or two to and spare some time to have some summer fun. Is that the same case for Truckers? Truckers these days are so busy transporting goods for our daily use and they don’t even find time to spend with their loved ones. If someone can sacrifice their precious time for the betterment of our nation, then they definitely need to be appreciated for their service. What if we can give them a day’s rest? That they can spend with their near and dear ones. Continue reading

Flat 15% OFF on Form 2290 E-file Fee this Father’s Day!

I’ve had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started. – Bartrand Hubbard. Being a Father itself is a great responsibility and being a Father with Trucking as his business makes him a super dad. Dads involved Trucking won’t tell you how to live, they live and let you watch them and learn what life is. Continue reading

Last Three Days left to Pre-file HVUT Form 2290 with a Discount!

PRE-FILETODAY!“What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team.” – Benjamin Franklin Fairless. Out of the four aspects mentioned above, Truckers and the entire Trucking Community will be rated 10 out of 10 in three of them. That is, they chose the career they love the most, of course they give the best in whatever they do & they are definitely Team players. But they miss out one ingredient, which is seizing the Opportunities. Continue reading

HVUT Double Deal with Tax2290.com, Pre-file with Discount!



Trucking is a tiresome industry and there are no second thoughts on that, but what makes it more stressful is when a Tax deadline arrives. Well talking about deadlines, we have reached almost the end of HVUT Tax Year 2016 – 2017. You can now refer to your Stamped Schedule 1 copies that you currently hold that about to expire by the end of the month that is June 30th.

Though the IRS gives you two months time to renew your Form 2290 for the upcoming Tax Year 2017 – 2018 i.e. until August 31st. Remember, you will not be the only one who would be attempting to file your Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 within the allocated time frame of two months. There are millions of Truckers and Trucking Companies waiting for the clock to tick and would be rushing to get their returns filed and accepted. Continue reading