the best electronic filing website that takes extra care in preparing and reporting 2290 HVUT returns with IRS. Ms. Megan Klatt, from Oklahoma was new to e-file and she quoted as “For my first time filing the 2290 your website was easy to understand and very easy to use. Thank you, I was nervous, you kept me quite and I’m impressed.” E-file is easy and simple, even a first time filer can choose to do 2290 taxes electronically as made it the simplest and easiest way of reporting taxes online.
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Frequently asked questions on IRS Tax Form 2290 and eFiling.
The IRS Tax Form is used to report and pay the federal vehicle use taxes, that falls due by July of every year. Thin year 2290 tax season started from July 1, 2021 and the HVUT returns has to be reported and paid by August 31, 2021 for the 12 months Tax Year July 2021 through June 2022.
Continue readingFinal Day to File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 for vehicles first used in Aug 2019.

One of the constant words you tend to always hear when it comes to Form 2290 is the word “Deadlines”. The deadline to file a Form 2290 is today Sept 30, 2019, for the vehicle first used in the month of August.
Now how would you know if you are supposed to file 2290 or if this deadline is applicable to you?
For any truck you purchased and put on the public highway, you are to report those truck on or before the end of the following month. So if you recently purchased a vehicle in the month of August, the deadline to file your Form 2290 would be September 30, anything beyond that date might lead to a late filing penalty and interest.
That being said if you have any pending returns, now is the time to file them and get yourself up to date with your filings. Even though you are late on filing your tax return, that does not mean you cannot file again; the sooner you file the better your chances of getting a reduced penalty and interest for late filing.
We at / are here to make your filing process as smooth as possible with our high-end E-filing technology. All you need to do is to log on to our online application and follow the few simple steps to get your trucks reported today to the IRS online within minutes. By e-filing your Form 2290 with us, you are guaranteed of getting your stamped Schedule 1 copy within minutes which will be directly delivered to your email id.
Let us make your Form 2290 filing hassle-free, reach our Tax expert at (866) 245 – 3918 or leave us your phone number in the email: and we will walk with you every step of the filing process. Share this and help your friends also to stay compliant! TODAY IS THE DEADLINE, ONLY A FEW MORE HOURS LEFT!
Do not delay it further as IRS might impose additional charges for 2290 filing
Form 2290 and the Schedule 1 has to be reported with the IRS and renewed for the current tax year July 2019 through June 2020. The actual due date for reporting and paying the HVUT returns is August 31, this year it was pushed to September 3 as the usual due date August 31 falls on a weekend and followed by Labor Day off.
Heavy highway vehicles that weight 55,000 pounds and more are liable to report and pay this annual federal vehicle use tax with the IRS. Vehicles that are estimated to drive less than 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for farm vehicles) are termed as suspended or exempt vehicles and does not incur tax. However for these vehicle Form 2290 and Schedule 1 has to be reported by listing the VIN# under W category which refer to Suspended Vehicles.
Do not delay further and end up paying more on top of the taxes you owe as additional charge or late filing, penalty and interest for late payment of 2290s.
Continue readingRolling offers at Tax2290 to eFile HVUT Returns for 2019-20 Tax Year
The Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 filing for the Tax Year July 2019 – June 2020 is in full swing. This vehicle use tax is reported using IRS Tax Form 2290, by completing all the reporting VINs for which the taxes are to be paid. It’s important to stay on top of the tax deadlines to avoid possible penalties and interest charges for late filing and payment of taxes. Never miss your tax 2290 deadlines, start preparing for it today and plan your payment schedules at the earliest.