Tag Archives: 2290 filing

Less Than 48 Hours Left to Redeem ON-TIME Filing Gift of 10% Discount!


Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away                                               – LINKIN PARK, “In the End” Hybrid Theory

Lost time is never found again, absolutely true. Time is a Key thing that defines a Truckers success in his/her professional life. There are several things that folks in trucking industry do to save time & Money. End of the day we all work hard for money, Truckers and the Entire trucking Community work round the clock, sacrifice precious time that they can spend with their loved ones.

Though the entire trucking community tries to skip several unwanted things to save time and money, there are few very important things that they cannot even think of skipping or postponing. Yes! You got it right Its Taxes that they cannot skip or postpone. But the big question still stays; can they save time and money when they file taxes? Brace yourself, that you are reading this article at the right time YES! Is the answer and www.Tax2290.com / www.Taxexcise.com is the way to do it. Continue reading

Double “D” Discount & Deadline this week with Tax2290.com!

Your Federal excise tax form (HVUT) Form 2290 is due now and has to be reported to renew your Form 2290 and Schedule-1 for the tax year 2017-18. The Tax Year begins by July and the Form has to be renewed on or before August 31st.

 Flat 10% OFF on our E-file preparation fee Continue reading

E-file Tax Form 2290 this Independence Week and get benefited!

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy

With immense pleasure we wish every American soul around the globe a happy 4th of July. Many things hit our minds when we see 4th of July hit our calendars one such thing is Discount Sale on the occasion of Independence Day. Continue reading

Truckers, It’s Time to renew your HVUT Form 2290 for 2017 – 2018!

“Like mothers, taxes are often misunderstood, but seldom forgotten.” — Lord Bramwell, 19th Century English jurist. Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, Unsure about any other industry but Trucking community and truckers never skip their Taxes. Being said that we know that truckers and the entire Trucking Community are like the seconds hand on a clock working and busy every second. It is quite understandable that they might forget one of the hundred taxes they file.

One such tax that is due only once a year is the Federal Excise Tax Form 2290. This tax Form is always filed in advance that is for the tax year that begins July 2017 and goes on till June 30th 2018, the Taxes have to be paid in 2017 itself. This is just opposite to other taxes that we pay, normally we file our federal income taxes after the end of the tax year it almost common for all other Taxes Except for HVUT form 2290. Continue reading

Truckers & Trucking Industry from Facebook CEO’s point of view!

Very glad to share something that would bring in a small smile on every hard working Trucker’s face. Below is a neatly drafted message by Mark Zuckerberg himself, the CEO of Facebook about his experience @ IOWA 80 the world’s largest truck stop where he met the Face of Trucking Community – TRUCKERS!

In Iowa, I stopped by one of the major truck stops. It’s like a small city where truckers on long trips can take a break, get something to eat, get a haircut, do laundry, get their truck washed — or their dog washed! — And even go to the dentist.

A few things stuck with me after spending time with some truckers: Continue reading