Hello, truckers! Staying on top of your tax obligations is crucial when managing your trucking business. One of the essential tax responsibilities for truck owners and operators is reporting and paying the Highway Heavy Vehicle Use Tax using the IRS Form 2290. Only then, you can get the IRS stamped Schedule 1 Copy, which plays a significant role in the operations and tax compliance of your trucking business. So, you must report/pay your Form 2290 truck taxes on time and get the Schedule 1 copy to ensure smooth business and trucking operations. Form 2290 E-filing in Tax2290.com guarantees an instant Schedule 1 copy to your registered email ID. So, why wait? E-file Form 2290 and get your stamped Schedule 1 copy for the new tax period, 2024-2025, right now!
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The partial period form 2290 tax for the vehicles first used in May 2022 is due on June 30, 2022!
Hello truckers, we know that you are getting ready to file your form 2290 truck tax reports for the upcoming tax period, TY 2022-2023, or you have already done your form 2290 pre-file online at Tax2290.com. But this is a gentle reminder for the truckers with their heavy vehicles first used in May 2022. Form 2290 truck tax for the vehicles first used in May is due on June 30, 2022. So, the truckers should e-file form 2290 within the deadline and get the schedule 1 copy to continue their truck operations on the public highways.
Form 2290 is mandatory for all taxable heavy vehicles.
Heavy vehicles or trucks should have a total gross weight of over 55,000 pounds, and they should be estimated to have a mileage over 5,000 miles (7500 for logging vehicles) to be eligible for the form 2290 truck taxes. Therefore, truckers with taxable heavy vehicles first used in May should e-file form 2290 to the IRS in advance within the deadline, June 30 and get the schedule 1 copy accordingly. The schedule 1 copy can be used as the proof of form 2290 payment to the IRS, and you can use it with all the state and federal authorities for legal purposes, insurance etc. Also, you should report the form 2290 truck taxes for your heavy vehicle if it doesn’t fall under the taxable category as tax suspended vehicles. You need not pay any tax amount for these vehicles.

We are now accepting Form 2290 pre-file for the upcoming TY 2022-2023 at Tax2290!
Hello, truckers! It’s already May, and the next tax period for form 2290 highway heavy vehicle use tax is almost here. And IRS is preparing to start accepting the form 2290 for the new tax period as soon as it begins in July 2022. Truckers and truck taxpayers must file Form 2290 and pay the truck tax amount to the IRS and get the IRS approved schedule 1 copy to continue their smooth operation on the public highways for a year.
The Next Tax Period, 2022-2023, is approaching soon!
Generally, the tax period starts at the beginning of July and lasts until the end of next June. So, the truckers should report their truck tax using the HVUT form 2290 and pay the tax amount in advance for the whole tax year. The deadline to file Form 2290 to the IRS is on or before the end of August every year. IRS is very strict about the taxes and its deadlines. Therefore, the taxpayers should not miss out on the deadline, or else they will be liable for penalties, interests, and late charges.
Continue readingForm 2290 electronic filing for the vehicles first used in March is due for partial period taxes!
Hello, truckers! IRS mandates e-filing form 2290 HVUT for all truckers with 25 or more vehicles in their fleet, and they encourage every other trucker, including owner-operators, to e-file their form 2290 truck taxes online. So, it is best to e-file your Form 2290, even for partial period taxes, to continue the truck operation on the public highways without any troubles from the authorities.

IRS charges partial period or pro-rated taxes for the vehicle which operates or is newly purchased away from the general tax period (July to next June, every year). They charge the form 2290 truck taxes based on the vehicle’s first used month. As your first used month is March, you should estimate and pay the form 2290 from March to June, which is the end of the current tax period within May 2nd 2022. And then, you can file and pay form 2290 for the next year from July as the general tax period starts.
Continue readingThe IRS efile is now available; HVUT Form2290 and FET Form720 are due by January 31, e-file today!

Greetings Taxpayers! TaxExcise.com / Tax2290.com the only e-file service provider that has been there for over a Decade would like to wish everyone a Happy and a Very Prosperous New Year. Hope this year brings you Good health and a lot more tarmac to cover.
We are more than delighted to state that the waiting period is finally OVER! Yes, we have a piece of good news for taxpayers who are waiting to receive their IRS e-filing acknowledgments including the HVUT Form 2290 stamped sch.1 copies for their tax returns submitted during the shutdown period December 26, 2021 – January 6, 2022.
We would like to appreciate your patience during the IRS shutdown, the IRS e-file service is back online and the tax returns are now processed in minutes. The IRS e-file came back up this morning and are accepting electronic tax returns, which means your tax returns submitted during the shutdown will be processed by the IRS today and your e-filing acknowledgments and the IRS stamped sch.1 copies will be sent to your email immediately after.
Since the IRS has officially started accepting returns for 2022 we would like to remind you of the upcoming tax deadlines for January 31st for the following tax forms. Taxpayers can make www.TaxExcise.com their first pit stop to e-file before the deadline.
- HVUT Form 2290 For New Vehicles first used in the month of December 2021.
- Tax Form 720 Quarterly Federal Excise Tax due for the 4th Quarter of 2021.
- Tax Form IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) due for the 4th Quarter of 2021.
Our Tax Experts at www.TaxExcise.com / www.Tax2290.com are available to assist you at 1-866-245-3918 and support@taxexcise.com on all Business days between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time. You can also drop us a message on the LIVE CHAT option available on our website.
We are always interested in suggestions that would allow us to improve upon our already high standards and encourage you to submit your thoughts here: https://g.page/Tax2290/review
Happy and Safe Trucking!