Category Archives: Truck Tax Form 2290

Queries Asked By Our Loyal Customers About Form 2290 HVUT

Each time we efile form 2290 HVUT, there are different questions popping in our mind related to the tax return. So we decided to take up a call and solve them all. And among the most frequently asked questions, our Tax Experts have jotted down few, holding up very less space.

John asked the first question, who is currently working as hotshot trucker. Continue reading

5 Important Mistakes To Avoid While Efiling Form 2290

So what is going on, fellow truckers? The roads are busy, the trucks are filled and the tax is left due for the month. If you are one among them, bought your vehicle on road for the first time, you are liable to file form 2290 online or paper file before the due date, i.e. 31st of January 2015. With so little time left, it can be tempting to really get this filing get going through efiling and complete the procedure ASAP. Continue reading

Methods To Apply For An Employee Identification Number (EIN)

Did you know EIN (Employee Identification Number) is an important as any other document you submit to IRS? Well, if you are new to the business, you hold an EIN, that is a recognition formula for the IRS.  The combination of EIN and the name of the taxpayer is blended together for a unique identity. It is important to provide the right Employee Identification Number whenever you are filing form 2290 online. If the EIN does not match the IRS records, your return would be rejected. Continue reading

What America Puts Forward for You, Truckers!

There is no dearth of interesting places in and around America. If you are an ‘On the Road’ driver and hardly have time to take pleasure in the amazing and interesting scenic beauties that the country offers, then take some time to make your job better! Your profession can be a boom if you get additional time to indulge in nature’s delight than driving for long hours. Visiting the attractions is surely possible for truckers with little planning and effort. Of course, you can relish the nature through your lens too. Continue reading

Last day under extension to file Form 2290 & pay HVUT

For the little time (just more than half a day may be!) the IRS shut its Form 2290 e-file system on the 31st of August, 2012, they wished that their HVUT return filers and taxpayers shouldn’t face much of an inconvenience. And, extended the due date for filing form 2290 and payment of HVUT 3 days further from the time they got back in action. Half a day has been compensated by 3 days. This has to be appreciated since they want to collect as much as tax possible from the nation’s heavy vehicle user group and give America back the best of roads. It’s not that they don’t have any other work to do or it is the primary source of income for them. We have to see it as ultimately the revenue collected by the IRS is going to be distributed to the states to maintain our nation’s highways, for the convenient & safe running of trucks and other vehicles on them. After all, the IRS officials have to put in more efforts in their daily official chores for the after-filing procedures, as a result of the three days extension period. Like how a trucker will have loads of goods to be delivered in case he takes off for three days. Continue reading