Category Archives: Truck Tax Form 2290

Only Three weeks Left to E-file Form 2290 for Tax year 2017 – 2018!

I DON’T HAVE A “9 to 5” I HAVE A “WHEN I OPEN MY EYES TO WHEN I CLOSE MY EYES” That is a truckers life one line. Time is an important factor in any individual’s life but for a trucker it’s his/her bread and butter. They can never be late, they can be early though. Most of the things truckers do are time bound; one such important thing is filing their Taxes.

Though truckers file numerous taxes, they still tend to miss out on things that they do once a year. That is mainly because the tax that we are discussing is not the Personal income tax or Business Income tax that deadline that is common for everyone. The Tax that we are discussing about is the federal Heavy vehicle use Tax Form 2290 (HVUT). This tax is filed only once a year in the months of July and August, this deadline falls right in the middle of the year.

Tax Year for HVUT FORM 2290 Starts from July and ends by June of the Following year, which means anyone who has not filed a Form 2290 after July 2017 is operating his / her Heavy Vehicle with an Expired Schedule 1 copy, which would be considered as an offence if not renewed on or before August 31st 2017. Another fact about this Tax form is that, it has to be filed in advance unlike other Taxes. Example Form tax Year 2017 – 2018 the Tax Form 2290 must be filed and paid in July 2017 itself. Continue reading

Our Tax Experts will be working on weekends to assist you with Form 2290 Efiling!

Trucking, the profession speaks about the difficulties owned and faced on the road, behind the wheels and while at Truck stops. What gives you the strength to move ahead each day, make deliveries, and serve the nation? Well, this dedication and motivation keeps you going, and it holds like an inspiration to run show. And not to mention, you are the main reason for our success. Truckers who deal with heavy vehicles come over, file their HVUT taxes online with during the weekends too, since our customer support team is now available to take calls, email and chat.

Though Our Tax Experts will be available on all the weekends, this weekend is quite special as we have Friendship day that falls right on this weekend. As a token of love we give away a FLAT 10% OFF on the E-filing Fee till August 6th. Apply Promo Code “FRIENDSHIP17” and grab our friendship day gift. Continue reading

Celebrate this FRIENDSHIP Week with a 10% Discount on Form 2290 E-fling!

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.

Friendship is the most beautiful relationship on the earth. It is said that a true friend is hard to find. A true friend comes in our lives with whom we can share our joy, pain, excitement and sorrows. To express and cherish this beautiful bond of friendship, we like to exchange friendship wishes and love with all our close pals (truckers). We also join you in this Friendship Day celebrations avail 10% flat off on your 2290 e-file fee by apply the code” FRIENDSHIP17 “.  Continue reading

Less Than 48 Hours Left to Redeem ON-TIME Filing Gift of 10% Discount!


Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away                                               – LINKIN PARK, “In the End” Hybrid Theory

Lost time is never found again, absolutely true. Time is a Key thing that defines a Truckers success in his/her professional life. There are several things that folks in trucking industry do to save time & Money. End of the day we all work hard for money, Truckers and the Entire trucking Community work round the clock, sacrifice precious time that they can spend with their loved ones.

Though the entire trucking community tries to skip several unwanted things to save time and money, there are few very important things that they cannot even think of skipping or postponing. Yes! You got it right Its Taxes that they cannot skip or postpone. But the big question still stays; can they save time and money when they file taxes? Brace yourself, that you are reading this article at the right time YES! Is the answer and / is the way to do it. Continue reading

Double “D” Discount & Deadline this week with!

Your Federal excise tax form (HVUT) Form 2290 is due now and has to be reported to renew your Form 2290 and Schedule-1 for the tax year 2017-18. The Tax Year begins by July and the Form has to be renewed on or before August 31st.

 Flat 10% OFF on our E-file preparation fee Continue reading