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This 4th of July, E-File your Form2290 for TY2019 with 10% OFF!

Independence is the complete freedom of control or influence from another party, the term is often used when referring to the birth of nations, such as the United States, Independence means they have the capability for self-governance, legislations, and make laws mainly for the good of the nation, regardless of the interests of any outside state or organization.

Now in the spirit of 4th of July we should remember to oblige with the lay down rules and regulation for the betterment of our Nation And we has truckers, that means we file our taxes and pay the dues on time, by doing so we are respecting those that fought for our Freedom to act, speak, or think as we want without hindrance.

So,  /  is Officially Announcing the Arrival of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290’s Annual Renewal for the period July 2019 through June 2020. To Share the Spirit of Freedom we have put Across a Independence Week long Discount.

N: B   These are the deadline you need to keep in mind.

Tax Form2290 TY2019 renewal Deadline August 31 2019

Form720 (2nd Quarter 2019) Deadline July 31 2019

Tax IFTA (2nd Quarter 2019) Deadline by July 31 2019

AVAIL a FLAT 10% OFF on all the above Forms for one Complete Week with Discount Code “FREEDOM” Hurry up! Offer Valid only until July 7th, save up to $40 on a Single Transaction. For any further clarification call us @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to us @ or ping our Tax Experts using the LIVE CHAT Option on the Webs

What are the Tax Returns Deadline in April 2019?

Taxes aren’t the favorite part of our lives but as long as we take care of them before the deadlines, we can take the stress out of these taxes.

We have just had a stressful tax season this month, but there is more to it. If you own a business that deals in certain goods and services subject to excise tax, then it’s time to report the tax to the IRS on FET Form720 for the 1st quarter 2019, due by APRIL 30.

If you are a trucker or an owner operator and have a new Heavy Vehicle first used in the Month of March 2019, then it’s time to report the tax to the IRS on HVUT Form 2290 due by APRIL 30. And in case you haul interstate, you must also file International Fuel tax Agreement report (IFTA) for the 1st Quarter of 2019 with your base jurisdiction due by APRIL 30.

So if you think you’re done with the taxes for the month of April, please check again and make sure to meet the tax deadlines if you fall in any of the above said categories. Once you know your specific tax deadline, take into your consideration, since TaxExcise can handle all the federal tax e-filings with ease.

Don’t forget April 30th is the Due date and that leaves you with only 2 more business days to take care of your tax returns. If you have any questions, our handpicked and Industry’s best tax Experts are available for your Assistance. Reach them @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ or you may even Ping them using the LIVE CHAT Option on the website.

Income Taxes are done, Get Ready for Excise Taxes & IFTA!

The events in our lives happen in a sequence in time, but in their significance to us they find their own order the continuous thread of revelation. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. Yesterday that is on April 15th we all either filed our Personal Income Taxes or we did file for an Extension.

So any Tax payer thinks that they are done for the month of April with the Taxes, they are absolutely wrong. There are a series of Excise taxes and IFTA that are due in April by the End of the month.

Taxes that is due in April: Continue reading

Deadline Today to E-File 3 different Federal Tax Forms 2290, 720 & IFTA. File Soon!

Dear tax Payers, kindly spare a moment amidst of your schedule to read this article as this article will clearly explain you about the HVUT Form 2290 deadline which is due TODAY (Jan 31, 2019). However, this deadline is only applicable for trucks which were purchased/re-purchased and been used on the road since December 2018.

When is Form 2290 due: Form 2290 must be filed on a vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. On that note, Form 2290 is due TODAY for vehicles that went into service in December 2018.

At this time, other federal excise tax forms are due as well:

  1. Tax Form 720: Due TODAY for 4th Qtr 2018
  2. International Fuel tax Agreement (IFTA) : Due TODAY for 4th Qtr 2018

Do not miss on these important deadlines to avoid facing any penalties from the IRS.  E-filing your annual HVUT is way simpler than you imagined. has one of the most user friendly application setup for you where you’d be able to fill out your tax return by answering few simple questions during the filing process and the rest is been handled by our application.

With e-filing, you’d be able to print the proof of filing watermarked by the Internal Revenue Service back in your e-mail address within minutes for your documentation purposes. The same copy can be used as the legal proof of filing during your vehicle registration purposes.

In case you have any questions or need a walk through, you can always count on our handpicked and Industry’s Best Tax Experts for help. Reach them @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ or ping them using the LIVE CHAT option on the website.

Only 2 days until the Tax Deadline is Over for Form 2290, Form 720 & IFTA!

We got to remind you about the January month-end tax deadline that falls on Jan 31 for three important IRS Tax Forms. To avoid the many headaches that comes with the tax deadline, we highly recommend that you log on to now and complete your IRS tax form filings before time runs out.

The following taxes are due Jan 31:

  • HVUT Form 2290: Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290, due by Jan 31 for Trucks that were first used in the Month of December 2018.
  • Form IFTA: Tax Form IFTA, A Quarterly IFTA Tax Return is due as well on Jan 31 for the 4th Quarter of 2018.
  • Form 720: IRS Form 720 is used to report and pay your federal excise tax liability for certain products that are manufactured, produced or imported like fuel as well as services like airline travels. Form 720 Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return is due the last day of the month following the end of the quarter. For example, the 4th quarter ends December 31, which means the due date is January 31. e-filing is on its upward climb that means it’s now time to jump on it and be sure to take advantage of, over the old fashioned and traditional paper filing. Moreover, paper filing isn’t in the options right now since the IRS shutdown has impeded the paper filing proceedings meaning you wouldn’t be able to meet the tax deadline if you decide to paper file.

Besides e-filing as your only option right now, you would learn that it is also the most convenient and safest way to get your tax filings done. has solved an age old tax filing problem making it easy for you all to e-file.

You can always count on our handpicked, Industry’s Best Tax Experts for help, they live to provide top-notch year-round support during the business hours. Reach them @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ or ping them using the LIVE CHAT option on the website.