Category Archives: IRS Shutdown

Mandatory Business Information required to Efile Form 2290!


Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 must be filed for any heavy vehicle with gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above. To E-file HVUT Form 2290 there are few mandatory information that you need to keep handy before you start the process. Below is the list of your business related information that you need to       E-file your Federal Excise Tax Form 2290.

Business Name & Type: Registered Business name as per the IRS Records is a mandatory piece of information. Make sure that you do not use your DBA i.e. your Doing Business As name instead of your registered business name; it will result in an IRS rejection of your Tax return. Also have your type of business handy when you try to Efile your Form 2290. It can be a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation or a LLC. Continue reading

IRS E-file Servers will be down for Maintenance Soon!

Taxes are one thing that we always want to complete on time as it adds Excruciating actions attached to it. There are several Taxes that needs to be filed on or before December 31st, One such Tax is Federal Excise tax Form 2290 (HVUT) for vehicles first used in the month of November. Though E-filing was introduced to lessen the burden for Tax Payers, every year the IRS will shut down their E-file Servers towards the end of the year for Maintenance. During the shutdown they will neither process any Tax returns nor will they issue acknowledgements. Continue reading