Category Archives: Form 2290

Form 2290 Renewal for TY 2020 & IFTA for Q2 of 2020 Due Now!!

In an era when smartphones and tablets have taken over, filing tax returns through paper is slowly going extinct and completing tax returns online is the need of the hour as it is easier, precise and efficient. The less complicated your tax return is, the more rudimentary is the preparation for it.

The slight panicky feeling that happens when deadlines approach and start to accumulate is every tax payer’s worst nightmare. These tax deadlines happen once every year or every quarter and failure to address them results in penalties and interest from Uncle Sam.

It’s time now to put on your thinking hat and have these tax returns completed in order to stay compliant with the IRS. A Few Tax forms that are Due this month would namely be:-

  • Form 2290: The Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 also known as Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) is due for renewal for the current 2020 tax year. And the deadline to report any new Vehicles first used in the month of June is due by July31st.
  • IFTA: International Fuel Tax Agreement is due by July 31st for the second quarter of 2020.
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Form2290 New Tax year 2020-2021 Officially begins today, avail discount on your filings!

It’s that time of the year again where every Truck Driver, Owner Operator and Business owner are vigilant and on their toes lining up to complete the Federal excise tax (HVUT) Form 2290. Form 2290 is due now and has to be renewed for the tax year 2020-2021. Tax season is here, and with it comes all the routine paperwork and last minute confusion. The earlier you start with the return by figuring out how much your tax is better. Electronic filing has always been the best way to report form 2290 as it is fast and less time-consuming. With most of the IRS offices still closed Electronically filing form 2290 is the only option in getting your tax return completed on time.

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Form 2290 due dates for TY2020 renewal and Pro-rated filing for Vehicles first used in May 2020

Time and Tide waits for no man.

A few words of wisdom a veteran truck driver once said, Never wait until tomorrow for what can be done today. Trucking is a fast-paced business and meeting deadlines have almost become an everyday routine, let it be delivering orders or the time crunch involved in transporting essential consumables. With all these responsibilities on your to-do list, the last thing you wouldn’t need is to miss out on filing a very important tax return. One such crucial deadline would be the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 which comes by once every year.

Our endeavor at has always been to strive and help our users file and complete tax returns ahead of time, this helps them to stay ahead of the curve and receive much needed Stamped copies to keep on trucking while still staying compliant with the IRS.

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Celebrate Father’s Day with 10% OFF your Form 2290 Pre-filing for TY 2020-2021. Use code: THANKSDAD

Dads in the Trucking Industry are modest men turned by love into heroes, adventurers and storytellers. Being a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love, Fathers just have a way of putting everything together.

With Father’s Day literally right around the corner, we at salute all the wonderful and hardworking fathers who have changed the lives of many, be it their own kids, family, friends and people they come across while on the road.

To show our gratitude and respect to our heroes we at a product of Think Trade Inc, would like to wish everyone a Happy Father’s day in our own style by offering a FLAT 10% OFF on all service fee payments. Simply use code THANKSDAD to avail a 10% discount on any and all payments valid from 17th through 21st June.

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Pre-file your HVUT Form 2290 for TY 2020-2021 Now!

A lot of things can go wrong in trucking, with over a thousand parts working simultaneously to keep your vehicle moving forward, the last thing you need on your mind is to be missing out on a crucial 2290 deadline. Deadlines are quite common in the trucking industry but having a deadline that includes penalties from Uncle Sam is a whole new ball game. We at have always strived to meet these deadlines by offering our services ahead of time so as to keep our users well prepared and file their 2290’s to beat the last-minute rush.

There has always been a last-minute crunch where owner-operators and tax preparers alike wait in line to receive stamped copies, by Pre-filing your tax return this wait period is neutralized. All pre-filed returns will be accepted as soon as the IRS starts processing returns for the upcoming year, this as an added advantage allows you to be the lucky few among the ones who will be receiving their Stamped Schedule 1 copies by the First week of July.

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