Hello, truckers! As the firecrackers pop and barbeques sizzle, we celebrate this fourth of July, the day that marks American Independence and the freedom that we cherish. Amidst these festivities, a tiny voice in the back of your head might be reminding you about your tax obligations. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! This tax season, you can celebrate your freedom from tax stress by E-filing Form 2290 HVUT returns and getting the Schedule 1 copy from the comfort of your home. Also, gain financial benefits on your Form 2290 E-filing charges by applying our special coupon code to celebrate this year’s Independence Day.
Category Archives: 4th Of July
Let’s Celebrate This New Season and Independence Day with a Special Discount!
Hello, truckers! The new tax period for TY 2024-2025 has finally started, and the IRS has begun processing Form 2290 HVUT returns for the new tax season. So, you must be ready to report your Form 2290 taxes to the IRS and get the Schedule 1 copy to operate your trucking business on public highways smoothly. Also, we have introduced a special coupon to give you exciting discounts on your Form 2290 E-filing charges to celebrate this Independence Day with you. So, don’t miss out on this chance to E-file Form 2290 economically at the beginning of the new tax season. It is a wonderful opportunity to stay ahead of the seasonal surge and fulfill your tax obligations as soon as possible with attractive discounts.
Celebrate the Independence Day with our Special Coupon Code!
Hello, truckers! The new tax season is starting today. So, truckers must start reporting their Form 2290 taxes for the season from today. Also, Tax2290.com takes this opportunity to wish our trucking community a very Happy Fourth of July! Trucking is one of the most important businesses in the United States, and truckers’ contribution is always impeccable for our nation’s glory. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude and send warm Independence Day wishes to our truckers, customers, and users.
Happy 4th of July! Let us celebrate Independence Day and the new tax season with our amazing discounts.
Hey there, truckers! Tax2290.com takes this opportunity to wish you a happy fourth of July. In the event of Independence Day, the new tax season for form 2290 HVUT is also starting, and all truck taxpayers should file their form 2290 tax reports to the IRS and get the schedule 1 copy to continue the trucking operations on the public highways smoothly.

Form 2290 Due Now! Use Code “FREEDOM” to avail a 10% discount
The 4th of July has always been a fun filled day for trucking where we get an opportunity to kick back, dine in on some much needed barbecue and watch fireworks light up the night sky. In the midst of various patriotic talks with added fun and frolic it’s quite easy to forget what the day is truly about: FREEDOM.

With the 4th of July just a few days away and to have our users deliver the best out of it we’re giving away a 10% discount on all our E-file services. Treat yourself to a discount of up to $40 by using Promo Code “FREEDOM” valid from July 1st to July 4th only.
Since the tax period has just begun for July 2021 – June 2022 the IRS would be expecting to process a huge volume of returns and we are more than happy to inform you that all tax returns are being processed within a few minutes. So why wait! Log onto www.TaxExcise.com / www.Tax2290.com to have your tax returns completed with ease.
Being the only IRS Authorised E-File Service Provider that’s over a Decade Old it is our essential duty that we stand up to your expectations and provide you with continuous support, guidance and undisrupted service. What sets us apart as a business is our vast knowledge gained over the years and unmatched customer service.
For any tax related questions feel free to reach our fully operational help desk. Our three way line of communication allows you to speak to us by phone @ 866-245-3918 or write to us at support@taxexcise.com, to have your questions answered instantly do also try out the LIVE CHAT option available on the Website.
Happy Independence Day, Stay Safe and Happy Trucking!