At we know that truckers are the mainstay of America, they transport almost all basic necessities such as food, clothes to medicine and electronics. If you’ve got it, then a trucker brought it!
Trucking is a major source of employment with over 8 million people working in trucking related jobs to over 3.5 million truck drivers, the total revenue brought in keeps increasing at a phenomenal rate with over 800 billion a year. As this figure keeps increasing it also does bring about new rules and limitations on certain regulations.

California Air Resources Board has stated that effective January 1, 2020, heavy-duty diesel vehicles that are not in compliance with the Truck & Bus regulation will be unable to register their vehicle with the DMV. This regulation requires heavy-duty diesel vehicles that operate in California alone.
Therefore, nearly all trucks and buses will be required to have 2010 or newer model year engines to reduce toxic air contaminants (TACs) emissions from their exhaust. To help ensure that the benefits of this regulation are achieved, starting in 2020, only vehicles compliant with this regulation will be registered by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
This by far is the start of a great initiative that will probably also be followed by many other states in the foreseeable future. As we know it the trucking industry has an ever changing market and certain effective rules and policies tend to be adopted by neighboring states. These changes will not only benefit the environment but also ensure an eco-friendly way to transport goods and services and at the same time remain cost effective.

Now what if your vehicle was blocked from being on the road due to the airboard regulations? Do not worry, as you can still have your 2290 transferred onto a new vehicle or you can also claim a refund by filing form 8849 Schedule 6.
Regulations aside, we would also like to keep you reminded to stay compliant with upcoming tax deadlines. Form 2290 is due for vehicles that were first put into service in the month of February, the deadline to report these vehicles is March 31, 2020. Failure to meet this deadline will result in late filing fees and penalties.
For any assistance regarding Electronically filing of your Form 2290, 720 or claim for refund Form 8849 feel free to reach our help desk @ 866-245-3918 or email us to, also do try out our LIVE CHAT option available on our website. Happy Trucking !!