Tag Archives: Reduce your Penalties today

Missed the Deadline, don’t worry! E-file Form 2290 Now and Reduce your Penalties Today!

Attention truckers and trucking taxpayers! The deadline to report Form 2290 HVIT returns and pay the truck tax dues for the new tax period, 2023-2024, is over on August 31, 2023. It has been a month since the deadline passed to report your taxes and get the IRS Schedule 1 copy. If you haven’t reported your taxes and get the Schedule 1 copy for your heavy highway vehicle, you can still e-file Form 2290 HVUT to the IRS on Tax2290.com. Yes, you heard it right! But you have to pay the penalty for missing the deadline. Remember that the penalty and late fees will rise as you delay reporting your taxes. Also, you have to pay your tax dues with interest for skipping the deadline. So, we suggest you not to delay anymore. E-file Form 2290 today on Tax2290.com, pay the penalties, and get the IRS digitally stamped Schedule 1 copy instantly.

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