Looking to E-file Form 2290 HVUT Returns? You Have Come to the Right Place!

Hello, truckers and trucking taxpayers! Reporting your Form 2290 tax returns every season, getting the IRS Schedule 1 copy, and staying in compliance with the law is not an easy process. But with the help of Tax2290.com, you can have a smooth, accurate, and stress-free Form 2290 filing process with the IRS and get the instant IRS digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy. If you are new to Tax2290.com, here are the answers to some questions that arise in your mind.

What is Tax2290.com?

Tax2290.com is an IRS-approved modernized Form 2290 e-filing service provider. Powered by TaxExcise.com, we are the first online e-filing service provider to get authorized by the IRS to bring the trucking community of the United States this valuable Form 2290 e-file services. E-filing Form 2290 online on Tax2290.com is the fastest way to report your truck taxes to the IRS, get the IRS digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy instantly, and have a stress-free filing season.

How to create a new user account?

You can get started by registering for free by creating a new user account. You must complete the registration by choosing your preferred user name, email, phone number, business name, address, etc., and click submit to create the free user account. Then, you can log in to your user account with your user ID and password at your convenience to e-file Form 2290 or manage your records.

What should I do if I forget my user ID or password to Tax2290.com?

Click login and enter your last remembered user ID or email, and then click ‘Forgot Username.’ The list of all user accounts under the email will be listed. From there, you can reset your account or create a new username at your convenience. If you forget your password, click login, enter your username or email, and click ’Forgot Password.’ You will receive a link to your email where you can reset your password.

What are the things I should have to e-file Form 2290 on Tax2290.com?

You must enter a valid business name, not any name you are doing the business, but the actual name that you registered your business, the VIN of all heavy vehicles that you are reporting Form 2290 taxes, taxable details of those vehicles (taxable gross weight, mileage, and other information) and EIN.

Is EIN compulsory to e-file Form 2290 on Tax2290.com?

Yes, you must have a valid EIN (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS to e-file Form 2290 on Tax2290.com or any authorized Form 2290 service provider. EIN is also known as the Federal Tax Identification Number, which is used to identify a business entity with a 9-digit series of numbers assigned by the IRS. They use this EIN to maintain/verify tax records under your particular business name.

For more queries about Tax2290.com or Form 2290 e-file, stay tuned for more blogs or read our previous blog posts. Also, get in touch with our customer support at +1 (866) 245 – 3918 or write to us at support@taxexcise.com for any assistance.